Michael believes, that each individual has the capacity to answer their own questions and solve their own problems.
That who we are is not defined by race, gender, the mistakes we have made or believe system or behaviour patterns ( i.e. childhood programs) but by who we are at the core of our being, which is an aspect of ‘consciousness’ itself.
Michael believes, in the “ripple” effect — when one of us changes, that change flows through to the people around us—friends, family, partners, kids and work colleagues
Michael believes, in the abundance of Nature, and that we can learn how to tap into that abundance. While we humans seem to have become habituated to thinking in terms of scarcity, we believe it is possible to shift that view through assisting others to seek their own strengths and gifts.
Michael believes, we, consciously or unconsciously, chose our own realities. By working through our past experiences we can begin to make conscious choices that help us attain our inner and outer life purpose. Michael also has a quote that supports this belief — As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t do it….you are right?”
And as Dr. Wayne Dyer postulated, It’s up to us to choose how we want to experience our life while we are here. Are we human beings having a spiritual experience or are we spiritual beings having a human experience?